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The Robots are coming...

        ...and they're bringing great coffee

Robot Coffee & Tea is coming to Altadena in 2018!

Located at 3045 Lincoln Ave, Altadena Ca. 91001

(Just South of Altadena Dr)



Why Robot Coffee?

It's simple really, we have longed for somewhere on this side of town to enjoy a good cup-o-joe, a tasty nosh, and a comfy hang-out to meet friends, but the beautiful wild west of Altadena is devoid of such a place.


That explains the coffee part but why Robots?

Why not...Who doesn't love robots?!


I am an avid collector who has been fascinated with tin toy robots, rockets, ray guns, automatons, and many other cool vintage items since childhood. I love nothing more than sharing these incredible, old pieces with others who may never have seen them so all can enjoy. The robots and collectibles you will see on display at Robot Coffee are reminders of an innocent time gone by when things were just a little simpler, kinder and gentler.






Our earth mission is simple; to serve the best coffee and tea possible and provide a warm, relaxing environment to enjoy your beverage where earthlings can discuss their take over of the galaxy and see really cool stuff you won't see anywhere else! 


We are from the neighborhood, and Robot Coffee is for the neighborhood.  


Our Facebook page will be up soon so you can follow the progress of Robot Coffee from it's humble beginnings, to completion of our dream.  We have all sorts of really cool things planned... there will be a LOT more going on here than just great coffee. Our "back lot" will have plenty of outdoor seating & shade where you can sip a cool beverage or cappuccino, and we're even planning a special area where the little ones can play safely.


Come watch Forbidden Planet, Plan 9 from Outer Space, or vintage Space Patrol episodes on movie night, projected on our back wall under the stars, or special music nights and events.


We are very excited to bring you Robot Coffee & Tea, and hope you'll come visit us often!


Humanoid programmed to create Robot Coffee: Justin Pinchot

The BIG question?!

When are you going to open?!

Soon! We are working as fast as we can to bring a great community experience to west Altadena, but good things take time - so please be patient. 


We are from the neighborhood, and Robot Coffee and Tea is for the neighborhood - when we are finally ready to open you will see our sign lit up, and hear about it on, Facebook, and other community outlets. Good things come to those who wait, and good things are coming!

© 2018 Robot Coffee Ltd

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